mardi 29 mai 2018

CRT audio visualization mod (2)

As expected, I got my mini amplifier from almighty China for 3€ or so...
The integration and finding enough room inside the shell wasn't easy but finally made it.
It runs from the power of the tv which is 12v.
Now, any signal even low can be caught and reproduced.

the amp knob.

lundi 28 mai 2018

La grand messe du tennis!

La grand messe du tennis a commencé!

Gaspard Agassi prépare son service.Compris?

Oh lala!

La déesse de la terre battue se lâche un peu...Heureusement, Raquetus et Bally sont là!

Quand c'est arty, ça passe mieux.

dimanche 13 mai 2018

FIGHTING MINIONS (video drawings)

An upgoing series of crypto-gay illustrations based on the untold manly friendship among gangbangers...
Those are produced on an old japanese video painter.

Butterman's secret
