mardi 27 novembre 2018

This project was on the side for almost a year.Finally went tru and selected some cool effetcs.
I've been hacking those light weight enhencers for a while now and sorted often the same results out of them:
Vertical striping and horizontal scaling enriched with  pinky glow neon-type smudge.
I had this time two cool constant effetcs( switches) that render nice color bleed with different tones than my previous units.
What I like the most about it is the size of the pcb that allows you to fit in very small enclosures.

Check out this quick demo:

Bend Jopi, Bend!

Jopi is testing out "dehencer", my latest circuit bending project.

dimanche 4 novembre 2018



I recently realizedfigured out that the capture tool in Vegas had better res than the default Windows cature tool.You also can manage to increase the res of your projetc, add some filter or whetever and then click on the floppy disk icon.You'll be able to sort some jpg or png screen shot that way.
Here is a random selection of otpimized illustrations.Enjoy!

Butterman's secret
