dimanche 31 mars 2019



Similar to my previous creations such as the Recycle series, the VIDEO PAL is a portable battery operated filters/fx generator.
It is perfect for Vj or any type of live sets.
The Video Pal is analog, working pal/secam for euro video rats.
It also can be powered by a 9v power block.
No audio need, the PAL is light-weight and goes to the point which is video mayhem.
One video in, one out (Cinch).
It is for sale on my site, check it out!

mercredi 20 mars 2019


Ball Ed's adventures is an automatic graphic novel mixing cartoon and glitch art.
It is produced on modified analog video sketch titlers and video-mixers from the past using a surrealistic narration type inspired by Philippe Soupault and André Breton's automatic writtings.
It is a hacking process.This type of device wasn't really designed for precise drawing but rather made for creating titles and credits on analog video editing.
The idea was also to use several features (such as silly soccer ball, pine or Panasonic diamond-shaped iris) and integrating them into one loufoque saga were they could be treated like real characters.

Signed and numbered series proudly crafted in the tradition of DIY .

Ball Ed est un roman graphique automatique mêlant cartoon et glitch art sur une narration inspirée de l'écriture automatique chère à Philippe Souplalt et André Breton.
Les visuels sont réalisés à partir d'anciennes tablettes graphiques analogiques(video) dans un processus de hacking.
Ces appareils ne permettant pas de dessin très élaboré, l'idée et de contourner ses outils et également sa conception afin de se rapprocher du dessin souhaité.
Les éléments de type « sprite » et autres icônes proposés par ces appareils sont de même détournés, intégrés directement dans une histoire loufoque et traités parfois comme de véritables personnages.
Il ne s'agit pas d'animation mais bien « d'annihimation ».En effet, le travail sur les ambiances et le son sont prédominants et prennent ici l'ascendant sur le mouvement tandis que les effets de glitch vidéo font office d'ornements narratifs et de transitions.
Petite édition signée et numérotté réalisé avec fougue dans la pure tradition DIY.
©Running Time 2017.

DVD PAL (Possible NTSC version on demand)
15€ (including shipping and hadling for Europe)
Foreign: 15€ plus shipping.
contact me for infos: www.runningtimelab@gmail.com
order here!

mardi 12 mars 2019

"Fuck 'em up good!"

"Hello bar, goodbye TV!"
Here is another batch of new generation Adafruit tv-be-gone kits.
As I've done previously, these are built and housed in a beatiful Tic Tac box in a very DIY recycle tradition.
They look okay but seem to be a little less efficient than v1 in terms of range of brands they can switch off.You can recognize them as they have "Ladyaya"(yes, ladyyaya...) written on it instead of "adafruit".That being said, it still work on most cafes and bars tv sets that usually carry some average Samsung or Sony tv sets, so...Fuck 'em up good!
Euro Tube hater, mp me for orders.
Proud to announce the selection of my PXL-shot film "The Scout" at the Pinewood Lift-Off Festival, UK.
The first round is screend online, with subsequent rounds ending with a live screening at Pinewood Studios in the summer for our monthly winners.
If you haven't watched it: 

Butterman's secret
